
Wake Up by Suchana

 Here is Suchana's project:

CJ's final project 

Abby's Final Project

Lantern Crossings

Ava's Final Project

Cameron’s Final Project

Cam's Final Project - The Eras Tour Outfit Selector

The Eras Tour Outfit Selector JavaScript needs to be enabled to play The Eras Tour Outfit Selector. (enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:240,0.8039,0.5,0.35),0.4963,(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.85),1,(hsl:209,0.7717,0.4294,0.45)))) ''<span style="font-size: 200%"> [(align:"=><=")+(box:"XXXXXXXXX=")[The Eras Tour Outfit Selector]] </span>'' <img src="" width="850" height="450"> <br> On May 19th, 2023, at approximately 8pm EST, I will be seeing Taylor Swift at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough for the first time. It feels as if every choice I have made in my life over the past "22 (Taylor's Version)" years has led me to this moment. I went through "The Great War" when I battled millions of people for my tickets on Ticketmaster on Novembe...