

my name is suchana

I have no pets unless you count egg-laying chickens. or my brother. I've lived in the Dover area for about a decade, and this will be my third year at UNH. I initially thought I would switch majors at some point, but I guess I never hit a point where I disliked English. I love making stuff - woodworking, ceramics, painting, drawing, videos, collages etc. Making is a process I really enjoy and I love doing it digitally. I would say I am most excited about the new programs we will use and how I can apply those skills in my future career. I think this class will be fun! 

When I'm not in class, you will find me binge-watching television in my room, and if the weather permits it, outside with my friends. I also like podcasts, fat cats, aquariums, lime-flavored sodas, and pocket knives.


  1. My girlfriend and I are also binge-watchers, so I 100% relate. If you're looking for podcast rec's, I highly recommend "The Loudest Girl in the World" by Lauren Ober. She's super funny, and talks a lot about her experience finding out she's on the autism spectrum and how life during the pandemic affected her perception of reality. Overall, a rad gal.

  2. I think we can count the chickens! :) And what's to dislike about English? haha I'm happy you love making things, I do too! And we will definitely be doing some of that!


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