I'm Hannah, I am a junior English major. I am from Connecticut, and no one has ever heard of the town so I won't go through the trouble of saying. I came to UNH as a social work major but I have always been in love with English, after taking Intro creative nonfiction with Dr. M I switched majors!
I love hiking and reading when I am not in school or working as a preschool teacher. I love plants but I'm pretty good at killing them so I probably need to find a new obsession. I have two dogs, two cats, and a frog!
I am very excited for this class and everyone seems great so far!
Here is a picture of my dog, Piper, and I
Hannah, So nice to meet you AGAIN! :) Piper is so cute! And maybe you should try succulents? I've found Christmas Cactus plants are hard to kill too, but I have this same problem!