Hypertext week 2- Hannah S.

I really enjoy exploring My Body by Shelley Jackson. I have discussed this before but I feel like every time I read more of it, I find a part I missed before. I found it interesting how she not only explores her relationship with her own body, but she talks about how she viewed other peoples bodies and drawing bodies. She discusses how she would watch and wonder why women's hips sway when they walk and she would draw different parts of the body. I think this also highlights how much the world around us influences our perception of ourselves. Besides that, this piece is always fun to explore. I love the layout and how you can get lost in the story. There are so many links that you never really run out of things to read and find out. That being said, I would love for their to be a button that takes you back to the home page because clicking the back button gets old after a while! 

I really liked exploring Entre Ville by J.R. Carpenter. I enjoyed exploring a place through the eyes, ears, and thoughts of someone. I get to learn about the place as they tell about living there. I think the added visuals and audios really enhanced the poems since you could be very immersed in the poetry. Adding that element allows the reader to connect with the piece more since they could hear and see references in the poem. I really enjoyed the addition of the dog and the "Sniffing for Stories" section. Something so ordinary as talking the dog out for a walk or playing with an orange ball created a really sweet story. It also pointed out, as the author references, that you can look at things from a different view and get a new story. There is always something more to tell and another story to write about. I think this was a great sentiment to end on since the poems focused on small and ordinary interactions between people and the world around them. This highlighted the fact that even small things can make a beautiful poem and collection of stories to have and explore. 


  1. I like your emphasis on the small everyday details that can be beautiful and poetic! :)

  2. I also enjoyed My Body! I will definitely come back to it again and see what I missed. But I also like how she talked not just about her body, but her perception of other women's bodies and how its a reflection of her own curiosity, confidence, and insecurities.


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