Network writing- Hannah S.

 Network writing is lit created for, and on, the internet. It can used multiple sites and experiments with a sites capabilities. I found it interesting how the chapter mentioned that reading and writing skills have not improved, yet people spend more time writing and reading. I feel like it should be that people are improving because they spend more time with it. Though I guess that if you are not reading something of substance or at a high enough level that it would not have a positive impact. Still, as an English major it hurts me a little to know! I also liked how they mentioned that play is an important part of e-lit. Since we have been doing that all semester it was nice to see that. But, it makes sense that the only way to learn a new media or new mode of creating is to actually do it yourself and get hands on experience with it. I had never really thought that E-lit projects could be performances but it makes sense that a creation online can be performed, especially since the internet is a constantly evolving space. Like the text mentioned, new/different networks allow for a blank canvas for creative expression and exploration. I did appreciate the mention of bots since that is my ELD project. Having that be included under fiction is wild and really shows the development of E-lit and how platforms can be experimented with to make it a platform for storytelling even if those were not the intentions of its birth. 

This week I looked more into "A million penguins" and the author is a whole lot of people, but it was run by Bruce Mason and Sue Thomas, as well as penguin books. This was a collaborative novel on wikipedia software. This served to test the bounds of collaborative spaces and if large collaborative novels were realistic. While there were a lot of good intentioned contributors who helped write the book, there were always going to be the people who tried to see what they could get away with. There would be arguments over details of the novel and people trying to destroy the wiki site. There were some contributors who diligently worked on the project and had thousands of contributions and edits to the novel. The novel had to be stopped due to too much traffic on the site that led to freezing. It can no longer be edited, but there is an archive of the story and where it ended. 


  1. A Million Penguins is such a cool idea. Wikipedia itself is such a great example of a MASSIVE collaborative network that has "disagreements" like this all the time.


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