Sharing Digital Texts - julia

The Doll Games

This semester what has inspired me the most has been learning about Dada and hypertext. One hypertext that really stuck with me was 'My Body- A Wunderkrammer' by Shelley Jackson. I decided to look more into Jackson and her work, which led me to discovering her "Doll Games", created by both her and her sister in 2001. The work is a hypertext project and the authors combine the types of narratives, characters and games they would give their dolls when playing with them as girls. The piece uses a lot of satire to poke fun of the expectations given to 'little girls' as well as gender and sexuality. The hypertext project invites readers to think about the type of games you played as a child and how their themes either represented society implications or pushed its boundaries. 

I really like the idea of using images of physical art and building hypertext stories off that. I think thinglink is a great platform for combining Dada collage art and hypertext, which is what I will most likely be using for my final! I'm still playing around with storylines/topics, but I really want to do something like "Doll Games" that expresses feminism while slightly mocking unproductive ways our western society creates judgments/expectations of women. 


  1. Great ideas! Shelley Jackson is so inspirational. Doll games looks a tad creepy... I look forward to your take on feminism and womanhood!

  2. Hi, Julia! I also thought about "My Body" as one of the most influential pieces of electronic literature we read this semester. There is something so unique about the hypertext fiction genre and html interface that Jackson chose to write the story in! I also really enjoyed Dada, and creating the collages was such an introspective experience for us all! I look forward to seeing/reading your final project!


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