
 Hi!! I'm Julia Danielson :) I'm a sophomore and currently majoring in Psychology and minoring in writing. I'm hoping to turn the minor into a double english major though. I'm super excited for this class! I've always been really into film and writing, so this class seems like a combination of all my favorite things. I'm from Falmouth, Maine which is just outside of Portland. In my free time I enjoy nature walks, writing, listening to new music (always looking for music recs!!), going thrifting and playing with fashion, reading fiction novels, watching netflix, and laughing with friends. The photo is of my two dogs, Obi and Huck. Can't wait to get to know everyone more in class!!


  1. If you like studying film, you should take a class with Matthias or Delia Konzett (if you haven't already)! I took a Horror Films course with Matthias Konzett in the fall and I really enjoyed it. They change up their classes every semester so there's always something new to explore.

  2. So nice to meet you, Julia! Obi and Huck are adorable! Psychology is a great major, I love learning about how our minds are wired! And what a great part of Maine you're from! haha Maybe I will bump into you at Rines forest or the Hannaford (again?)!


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