500 apocalypses

Before Lexcavator, I wanted to focus on this for my project. I am very interested in both aliens and end of world scenarios. I find the methods of apocalypse to be very interesting, because it poses questions of inevitability and if there is a chance of a civilization or a people or a world to exist forever. All of these apocalypses take place on Alien worlds. A book, called the Encyclopedia Apocalyptia, has entries regularly updated in the book without a evidence of an author coming forward. Many of the stories in the book come from impossible sources - the worlds they come from have no survivors. I enjoy perusing through the Encyclopedia and seeing the different stories of people in dying worlds and those who interact with them. Some are due to Climate changes, some due to mass pollution, infertility, disease or warfare. 


  1. Before Lexcavator sound like an interesting project! I like how they took a topic commonly found in books and movies and then turned into an e-lit work.


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